Maxson Hakim Wijaya
Audit Partner

Current role description
Maxson is a Partner for Audit Practice at RSM Indonesia. He joined the Firm in 2011, as an external auditor upon his graduation where he undertook audit and assurance assignments in various sectors including services, manufacturing, trading, construction, property and real estate, and non-profit organizations.
He worked for one of the Big Four accounting firm in Indonesia in 2014 before then returned to RSM Indonesia in 2015.
Current service skills and experience
Maxson has the experiences that covers his responsibility for external audit functions and other assurance services. He has an extensive experience in providing services to a wide range of clients ranging from local and international, private, publicly listed, and non-profit organizations in audit and assurance work.
Current sector or industry expertise
Maxson is working with a diverse client portfolio, including property, real estate, construction, manufacturing, and non-profit organizations. He specializes in serving non-profit organizations.
Approach to service delivery and other
Maxson brought diverse experience to finding solutions for his clients. He provides a wide range of advisory and assistance roles to boards, management and audit committees as well as assurance services, financial reporting advice and also strategic advice to boards.
- Bachelor of Economics, majoring in Accounting, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- Certified Public Accountant (CPA), the IAPI