Rosita Uli Sinaga

Current role description
Rosita is a Managing Partner and Head of Accounting Advisory at RSM Indonesia with 30 years of experience. She spent most of her career in public accounting firm.
Current service skills and experience
Rosita has experienced several roles such as Assurance Indonesia Leader, Financial Services Indonesia Leader, and SOE Business Development Indonesia Leader.
Current sector or industry expertise
Rosita provides services to clients from various sectors, as well as multinationals. She takes a client-focused approach and has the technical skills, knowledge, and ideas to provide clients value.
Approach to service delivery and other
Rosita takes a fresh perspective and uses a risk-based approach, working closely with clients to understand their business and identify future challenges. She collaborates with experienced and dedicated experts to address specific needs and carry out her clients' vision.
- Bachelor of Economics, majoring in Accounting, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
- Master of Management, Universitas Bina Nusantara, Indonesia
- Certified Public Accountant (CPA), the IAPI
- ASEAN Chartered Professional Accountant, the IAPI
- Chartered Accountant (CA), the IAI
- Fellow Certified Management Accountant (FCMA)
- Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA)