Saptoto Agustomo
Managing Partner

Current role description
Saptoto is a Senior Partner at RSM Indonesia. He joined RSM Indonesia in 1991, including secondment at RSM Australia in 1995.
Current service skills and experience
Saptoto provides audit, assurance, and accounting advisory include general audit, review on financial information, accounting policy and procedures review and advisory, and implementation of IFRS. He undertakes audit for the purpose of initial public offering (IPO) and bond issuance, which include review prospectus and offering circular memorandum. Saptoto involved in various financial due diligence, performance audit and review for private group of companies and state-owned enterprises.
Current sector or industry expertise
Saptoto serves clients mostly to State Owned Enterprises and Public Listed Companies engaged in various industries and sectors, for instance Electricity, Energy, Banking, Financial Services, Property and Real Estate Developers.
Saptoto has the experience on auditing Electricity and Energy companies for several years, including the leader of the sector. He also has the experience of auditing one of the largest groups in the Property and Real Estate Contractor sector for several years. Also, in Banking and Financial sectors for auditing and accounting advisory.
Approach to service delivery and other
Saptoto is very reliable based on his long years career experience and capabilities.
- Bachelor of Economics, majoring in Accounting, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
- Master of Management, majoring in Finance, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia
- Certified Public Accountant (CPA), the IAPI
- Chartered Accountant (CA), the IAI
- Asean Certified Professional Accountant (ACPA)