Son Haji
Tax Partner

Current role description
Son Haji is a Partner for Tax Practice in RSM Indonesia. Before joining RSM Indonesia, he has worked for one of State-owned Enterprise Bank, Directorate General of Taxes (DGT), and Tax Court for 24 years.
Current service skills and experience
Son has been providing tax advisory to a wide range of multinational and domestic companies. He experienced in tax policy, tax compliance, tax audit, and tax disputes resolutions.
He has experience in dealing with Indonesian tax authorities and other governing authorities in assignments such as tax audit, tax objection, tax court appeal and has successfully helped company to resolve some of the major tax dispute cases.
Current sector or industry expertise
Son has experience in various sectors, as well as multinationals such as agriculture (palm oil), energy, construction, chemical, rubber sectors. He also has deep experience the banking industry and other financial institution.
Approach to service delivery and other
Son offers a personalised service, and he is highly committed. He has a combination of experience both in government (Directorate General of Taxes, Tax Court) and company as head of the Tax Department. In handling assignments, he can see from two perspectives as well as his experience to get optimal results for clients.
- Bachelor of Economics, majoring in Accounting, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Perbanas Jakarta, Indonesia
- Associate of Finance, majoring in Taxation, Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN) Jakarta, Indonesia
- Tax Court Attorney at Indonesian Tax Court