Leadership development programmes
Leadership development programmes should be rooted in the ‘creation of self-awareness’- if your people and your organisation are self-aware about development points, both as individuals and as an organisation, true and very real dynamic change can happen - change that people are bought into.
According to Gartner, after surveying 7,000 managers and employees, high-performers are three times more prominent where managers:
- adopt a leadership coaching style that explores employees’ skills, needs and interests;
- empower employees to find answers and solve problems themselves; and
- connect employees to others who may be able to help them develop.
The development of your people within your organisation, and indeed their career development plans, must be considered as a matter of importance.
We design bespoke leadership development programmes aimed at developing specific tiers of management, or high potential employees, to ensure organisations have a healthy pipeline of internal talent for succession planning purposes.
RSM Ireland have a wealth of experience working with organisations in all sectors to get the best of their talent through bespoke leadership coaching, training and development programmes.
We regularly work with business leaders with a view to optimising performance. Our consultants are certified to deploy and interpret a range of leading psychometrics for a range of leadership and development interventions including coaching, leadership potential, leadership derailers, individual and composite management profiles. We regularly design and manage leadership development programmes to meet our client’s’ requirements.
To enhance leadership development programmes, we can offer one-to-one coaching focusing in on the development of business unit plans which feed into the wider organisational strategy. We can also provide career coaching to the high-performers to give them the tools and the confidence to excel within the organisation.
Training and development
Training and development is now central to attraction and retention of your human capital, as your talent continue to feel valued and acquire new skills. In turn, these skills are integrated into the workplace to improve effectiveness and efficiency.
We will ensure that case studies, real case examples and discussions during the training are relevant to your organisation. This ensures that the training is practical and engaging for participants at all stages. It further ensures an overall high-quality output at the end of the training whereby participants have the knowledge, practical skills, confidence and competency to effectively discharge their role.
We offer a wide range of core skills training and development courses including
- Management skills
- Leadership skills*
- Negotiation skills*
- Presentation skills*
- Communication skills
- Conflict management
- Finance for the non-finance manager
- Interviewer and interviewee skills
- Negotiation skills
- Personal effectiveness
- Dignity at work
- Project management
- GDPR awareness training*
- Protected disclosures training*
- Managing workplace investigations
- Writing effective technical reports
*These courses are also available at an advanced level.
Training and development brochure

The health of an organisation depends on the growth and development of its employees. Training should be directly matched to the needs of the organisation and its employees.
We have designed a variety of customisable programmes as every organisation has its own culture and approach to HR, personal development, interviews and business skills.
For more information and to see a short summary of our range of course please download our PDF brochure. If you have any questions please get in touch.