Thank you for visiting RSM Shiodome Partners.

We established our organization in 2008, in the wake of the global financial crisis and collapse of Lehman Brothers, one of the world’s most preeminent investment banking institutions. This left a lasting impact on the global business community and changed the way companies approach risk, growth, competitiveness, and opportunity.

The demand for innovation, optimization, and adaptability has grown significantly since the year of our founding. To address the fundamental needs of every company, we committed to providing versatile, all-inclusive business, accounting, and legal services to empower enterprise clients at every stage in the development and management of their business. We also offer our services in English and Chinese to accommodate international and local clients who want to conduct business in local and overseas markets.

Our commitment to serving our client’s best interests is the driving principle of our corporate philosophy. Through expertise and integrity, we have grown our establishment on the trust, support, and success of our enterprise clients. The journey for flexibility, sustainable growth, and innovation is never-ending. With your confidence and support, we look forward to achieving continued success and prosperity together.


Kengo Maekawa, Founder & CEO

RSM Shiodome Partners