
What is shelf company?


A company already registered and which can be taken over immediately for carrying out business activities is called a shelf company.


A company already registered and which can be taken over immediately for carrying out business activities is called a shelf company.

A shelf company is also called a ready-made or a tailor-made company.

Our company occasionally receives inquiries on the acquisition of a shelf company in Japan.

Our primary assumption concerning shelf company inquiries is primarily due to the personal bank account and local corporate address requirements which mandatory before company registration.

Additionally, the requirements earlier mentioned are difficult to satisfy when there is no local director living in Japan who is likely able to cooperate.

On the shelf company buyouts, our company basically does not offer the service.

Some of the Major Advantages of a Shelf Company in Japan are as follows;

  • It accelerates the process of registering a new company.
  • There is a ready-made corporate bank account.
  • It establishes credibility for future investors and clients due to its corporate history.

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