Sayaka Matsumoto

Sayaka Matsumoto
Job title

Sayaka Matsumoto is an accomplished HR and labor management professional with extensive experience across diverse industries. After working in the web service and healthcare sectors, Sayaka transitioned into human resources, where she specialized in labor management, payroll, and regulatory compliance. In 2021, she joined Shiodome Partners Group, where she now leads consulting and outsourcing services in the HR and labor fields for a wide array of domestic and international clients. As a certified Social Insurance Labor Consultant, Sayaka’s expertise in labor regulations and HR solutions makes her an invaluable asset to her clients.

Services Provided

Industry Provided

  • Manufacturing
  • Retail, Wholesale & Distribution
  • Information & Communications
  • Technology
  • Health & Social Care
  • Hospitality & Services


  • Social Insurance Labor Consultant