Shusuke Hirano
Managing Partner

Shusuke Hirano
Job title
Managing Partner

Shusuke Hirano began his career at Showa Audit Corporation (now Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC) in 1982. In 2008, he founded Kyodo Tax Corporation and became the Representative Partner; in 2018, the company merged with Shiodome Partners Tax Co. and he remains as the Representative Partner. He has been involved in auditing, IPO, and taxation for many years, and has also served as a member of the JA Group’s qualification examination committee and as a member of government agency committees. His major publications include “Financial Accounting, 5th Edition,” “Fundamentals of Financial Management, 3rd Edition,” and “Inheritance and Gift Tax Issues Related to Unlisted Stocks” (published by Hakuto Shobo).

Services Provided

Industry Provided

  • Financial Services
  • Manufacturing
  • Real Estate
  • Consumer Products
  • Construction
  • Sports & Entertainment
  • Retail, Wholesale & Distribution
  • Transport & Postal Activities
  • Technology
  • Education
  • Public Sector
  • Hospitality & Services
  • Not-for-Profit Organization
  • Architecture & Engineering


  • Doctorate in Academics
  • CPA
  • CPTA (Certified Public Tax Accountant)