News September 28, 2020 Fourth package of economic measures for dealing with the consequences of COVID - 19 adopted by the Government of RSM READ MORE April 30, 2020 The Decree law amending the Decree law for implementation of the Labor Law Read more April 28, 2020 Уредба со законска сила за финансиска поддршка на работодавачите заради исплата на платите за месеците април и мај Read more April 22, 2020 Уредба со законска сила за изменување и дополнување на Уредбата со законска сила за примената на Законот за извршување READ MORE April 12, 2020 The Decree law amending the Decree law for financial support to the employers of the private sector READ MORE April 6, 2020 Decree-law for financial support to the employers of the private sector READ MORE Global April 2, 2020 New net amount of the minimum salary for the period April 2020 - June 2020 READ MORE Global April 1, 2020 Regulation by force of law to stop the application of the Law on Enforcement READ MORE Global March 30, 2020 Regulation with legal force for the application of the Law on Value Added Tax during the state of emergency READ MORE