If your business has slowed down due to the Covid-19 pandemic, you might be contemplating the options available to deploy productively to your workforce.  

Below are some options a business can consider while the economy weathers the storm:


* Changes effecting the employment conditions of the employees are subject to the approval of the Department of Industrial and Employment Relations. Companies who resort to redundancies are not eligible for Government measures or benefits.

Here at RSM we can support you to determine the best course of action to maximise productivity. We believe that whilst all hands should be on deck to finding short-term revenue wins, it is also time for a shift in perspectives.

Research, contact peers, talk to competitors and suppliers, and maintain the outreach with your customers. Understand the macro and micro trends that have already impacted consumption patterns and behaviours. Forecast the implications on the demand for your products and/or services. What does this mean to the competitivity of your business model?

Think about the ideas you never had the time to pursue. Identify the employees who want to contribute in a different way.

Our team of HR, business and technology advisors can help in devising the options, costing the possibilities and support you in executing action plans.

We are also helping businesses (for free) tap into the local Government’s fiscal support measures. Find out more about such schemes here.


Contact us today for more insights and support:

Gordon Micallef – Partner

[email protected]

Fabianne Ruggier - Senior Manager

[email protected]


Link here for our resource centre on global insights around the Coronavirus