Policies provide guidance and direction to an Organisation’s workforce. All organisations that have people in employment should have well documented policies and procedures with the following objectives in mind.
Organisational policies set out the scene and environment in which the employees are expected to work in. The policies and procedures also provide the employees with a clear understanding of what is expected of them. As part of the process in onboarding new employees, being able to refer to a set of policies and procedures can save time.
Together with the contract of employment, policies and procedures are valuable reference tools and provide a fair, predictable and consistent approach to managing workplace issues arising from employee misconduct or inappropriate behaviour.
At RSM we help in drafting, implementing and developing various policies and procedures including but not limited to compliance related data protection, anti-money laundering policies, business related investment, procurement and anti-bribery and corruption policies, as well as cyber security and other IT/IS related policies.
Our approach to helping you develop or update/improve your policies and procedures consists of the following:
- Gain insight of your business and other related processes and understand how they are currently managed and controlled;
- Identify policies and procedures associated with each business cycle;
- Benchmark and compare your current policies and procedures against good practices to identify gaps and shortcomings. These may relate to how a business process is organised, its internal control structure, policies and procedures that relate to the business process or the interface the business process and other business processes;
- Develop and propose recommendations to address the identified gaps and facilitate an open discussion with you to obtain your consensus; and
- Provide awareness sessions for your people to understand the related policies and procedures.