The world is in transition towards a sustainable economy that is climate neutral, where raw materials are reused and diversity is a priority. Companies will have to take Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) aspects into account in running their business. At RSM we believe that ESG is a defining factor to remain successful in future. By considering ESG, companies determine the role they play in society and the value they add for their stakeholders.
On a monthly basis, we will select a number of ESG-topics that are relevant to internationally active companies. These topics are explored through different perspectives, ranging from Risk & Control, Supply Chain Management, to HR and International Taxation. As part of the service that you may expect from us, we feel that it is important not only to share current ESG-developments but we aim also to offer our views on the potential impact now and going forward.
The world is undergoing a remarkable transformation driven by technology, shaping the way businesses operate and societies function. We At RSM, we firmly believe that embracing the potential of technology is crucial for companies to thrive in the future.
On a monthly basis, we proactively select a range of technology-focused topics that are relevant to companies operating in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. These topics cover diverse perspectives, including emerging technologies, regulatory updates, digital strategy, cybersecurity, data privacy, and data management. We aim to not only inform you about the latest technological developments but also provide insights into their potential impact now and in the future.
By closely monitoring these technological advancements, companies have the opportunity to redefine their societal roles and create meaningful value for their stakeholders. We assist organizations in harnessing the power of technology to drive innovation, mitigating risk, increase operational efficiency, and gain a competitive edge. Whether it's advising on regulatory developments, leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning, implementing software solutions, or enhancing customer experiences through digital platforms, we are committed to helping our clients navigate the digital landscape with confidence.
Want to learn more about the requirements of the CSRD, how to comply with them and how to benefit from them?
The CSRD requires companies within the European Union to identify environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and provide sustainability information to its stakeholders. This information must be included in the management report from fiscal year 2025 and reviewed by an external party. Timely preparation is required to meet this review.
More information can be found on our dedicated CSRD page
Meer over de ESG dienstverlening van RSM
Strategy & Sustainability Consulting van RSM helpt internationaal opererende bedrijven met het ontwerpen, herijken of herformuleren van hun business strategie. Wij helpen onze klanten met een veelheid aan zaken zoals business transformaties, het ontwerpen van organisatiemodellen, het vergroten van de effectiviteit van de supply chain en uiteraard de verduurzaming van een onderneming en alles wat daarbij komt kijken.
De wereld zit in een transitie naar een duurzame economie die klimaatneutraal is, waarin grondstoffen worden hergebruikt en diversiteit centraal staat. Ook bedrijven zullen hun bijdrage moeten leveren om onze aarde leefbaar te houden voor de volgende generaties. Door strengere wetgeving, disruptieve innovaties en een groeiende vraag van klanten en werknemers is het niet meer de vraag óf u gaat verduurzamen, maar op welke manier u dit gaat aanpakken. Bij het leiden van een bedrijf is de dagelijkse operatie slechts een deel van het werk. Vooruitkijken, groeiambities definiëren en plannen maken zorgen ervoor dat uw bedrijf niet alleen vandaag goed draait, maar ook een mooie toekomst tegemoet gaat.