Many SMEs contact us with specific issues. They want to outsource their financial administration to us, have their financial statements prepared or have their administrative organisation written up. This is also the core of our work. Our accountants and consultants look beyond the figures, however. We consider the figures as a basis for discussions regarding expansion plans, financing, risks or strategic reformulations. In that respect, we would like to act as an involved sparring partner and confidential advisor. In doing so, you benefit from all our different types of in-house expertise.

Our services

Most SMEs are required by law to prepare the financial statements. This is an annual, time-consuming process we are happy to assist you with. We ensure that you meet all your obligations, and perhaps even more importantly: you can also use the financial statements as a basis for discussions regarding expansion plans, financing, risks or strategic reformulations. Read more

Maintaining the financial administration in a timely and correct manner is of great importance to every company. However, it is very time-consuming. Moreover, it is subject to legal requirements. Would you rather focus on your core activities? Then you might consider outsourcing all or part of your administration to RSM. Read more

You can save a lot of time and money by linking different systems, such as the bank, Chamber of Commerce, invoicing software and reporting software (in an automated way). We are happy to advise you on the most efficient set-up of your administrative chain. Read more

Do you want more insight into your internal processes and your financial administration? For example, because you have grown rapidly, and your administrative organisation is still set up on a smaller scale? In preparation for an audit? Or because you sometimes lose track of money and invoice flows? RSM will map out your administrative organisation and set it up as efficiently as possible for you. Read more

Would you like to know how to finance the growth of your business, or would you like assistance applying for financing? We are happy to provide you with advice and do everything we can to offer you the best financing solution.

Do you have a different issue?

We are pleased to connect you with one of the many specialists in our network. Contact us to take advantage of our expertise.