The tax authorities regularly check with employers whether they apply the laws and regulations properly with regard to payroll tax. During an audit, you must be able to present all documents immediately and substantiate the amounts and items declared. This is where RSM's experienced payroll tax consultants can provide excellent assistance.

Together, we will go through your annual accounts, the books and your (payroll) records to gather the information for the tax authorities. We will also take over your contacts with the tax authorities if you wish. 

Implementing the tax authorities' recommendations

Should the tax authorities determine that there are imperfections in the documents, we advise and assist you in correcting any errors and resolving discrepancies and/or disputes. You may also be selected again for an audit in subsequent years. You can choose to wait for it, or take control by opting for horizontal monitoring.

With horizontal monitoring you are in control

With horizontal supervision, you take a head start on an audit by the tax authorities. Together with a reliable and certified tax partner, such as RSM, you carry out your own annual audits. Together, we draw up a ‘tax control framework’ and take the place of the tax authorities. Based on the results, we draw up a covenant with the tax authorities on what needs to be done to become and remain fully tax compliant.

This horizontal monitoring ensures that the tax authorities gain more confidence in your tax operations and consider you ‘in control’. This reduces the need for unexpected audits.

Our trusted advisors advise and guide you

Your trusted advisors will guide you and your company through every audit or when setting up and implementing horizontal supervision. We conduct or join conversations with the tax authorities. Because we know you and your company well, we can use our years of experience to the full to tailor our services to your operations. This ensures that your business is compliant and avoids unpleasant surprises or fines.

More information?

Would you like to know more about RSM's tax audits guidance and horizontal monitoring? Please contact your RSM advisor.