Support in successfully acquiring or selling a business

Are you selling your company or would you like to acquire another company? For a successful transaction it is crucial to have a clear picture of the financial situation of the company to be sold or acquired. As a seller you want to market your company in the best possible manner, and as a buyer you want to be sure that the figures and information are correct. A due-diligence investigation gives a clear picture of this, thus providing crucial input for a successful deal both parties are satisfied with. RSM carries out due-diligence assignments for clients in SMEs on a very regular basis.

Vendor due diligence: sell your business in the best possible way

If you want to sell your business, RSM can conduct an independent vendor due diligence investigation on your behalf. We thoroughly examine where any issues may arise, allowing you to deal with them in good time and prevent them from becoming showstoppers in the negotiation process. We also help you to properly manage the operating capital, which is not remunerated in the transaction.

Based on the adopted financial statements, management information, discussions about the company and in-depth analyses of the cash flows, we write a due diligence report in which we substantiate the value of your company. This enables you, as the seller, to present a sound, numerically substantiated story about your business to potential buyers and to sell your business in the best possible way.

Buyer due diligence: avoid surprises when acquiring a business

If you are preparing an acquisition, a due diligence investigation is not only mandatory but also very valuable. It gives you the assurance that the selling party is not presenting a rosier picture of its company.

In this due diligence we not only analyse the operational figures, but also legal and fiscal information and the risks pertaining to pensions and IT. The report this investigation provides you with will provide an overview of the correct financial figures and all the potential risks and opportunities of the deal. This avoids unpleasant surprises, allowing you to negotiate the best possible price.

Why choose RSM's due diligence specialists?

Benchmarking and years of experience have made our due diligence specialists familiar with the usual costs and gross margins for many types of companies. These include family businesses, private equity, companies in the manufacturing industry, retail and consumer goods, business services, technology, media and telecom, and transport and logistics. This enables us to give you well-founded advice and to get the most out of your sale or acquisition.

Would you like to be well-informed at the negotiating table?

For a deal to succeed, both the seller and the buyer need to feel they are getting what they expect, what is being paid for. Our due-diligence investigation provides reliable figures for both parties, resulting in successful negotiations.

Would you like to know more about our due-diligence investigations? Please contact us.