Meet Agnes – An engaged consultant and avid running enthusiast!

Today we are meeting Agnes Gyllensvaan, an vibrant runner with a deep commitment to both clients and her colleagues. Agnes has been at RSM for three years, and in addition to her role in the Consulting department, she is actively involved in RSM’s Great Place to Work team, driving efforts to become Sweden’s best workplace.  


Why did you chose to work at RSM Agnes?  

When I applied to RSM, I was looking for a firm that focused on work environment. For me it was important to be in a workplace where I feel good and valued. I also saw an opportunity to contribute to and work on these issues beyond my role as a consultant. I had an incredibly good gut feeling during the interview, and that feeling has proven to be correct!


What did you do before?  

I have a master’s degree from the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg and have previously held several positions in service and project management.


 “For me it was important to be in a workplace where I feel good and valued.”  


How would you describe your daily work at your department?  

The classic answer is to say that it’s varied, but I can hardly find a better word to describe how my days look. Given the extensive range of our service offerings, my work varies both technically and in terms of the clients I work with. It is challenging and I feel like that I have significant responsibility, with the support I need from my senior colleagues. I constantly feel like I’m learning new things and growing in my role as a consultant.


How do you handle your work-life balance?  

It’s important to acknowledge that the role of a consultant sometimes requires flexibility with work hours. To maintain balance during these periods, I make sure to prioritize scheduling workouts into my calendar, taking time off when I’m not working, and communicating with my colleagues to ask for help. Working at a varied pace is something we all at RSM find appealing about the job, and during these times, the team’s bond are strengthened.


How do you view you development opportunities at RSM?  

I believe there are significant development opportunities at RSM. I switched departments from Audit to Consulting after two years at the firm, which has allowed me to steer my career in the direction I want. Additionally, I feel that personal initiatives for development are encouraged, and you have the opportunity to shape your work around what interests you.


What would you say to someone that is considering a career at RSM?  

I strongly recommend RSM, not just for the work itself but also for my fantastic colleagues. Together, we have created an incredible workplace. Honestly, it’s all the colleagues who make RSM so special!


“Personal initiatives for development are encouraged, and you have the opportunity to shape your work around what interests you” 


Who are you outside of work?  

Outside of work I love running! Travelling and plants are two more of my big interests that I strive to spend a lot of time on. Together with my partner, I live in central Gothenburg, in the cozy neighborhood of Johanneberg, where we are incredibly happy.


Do you want to work with Agnes?

See our open positions here!