Meet Malin – the consultant who has opened new doors for her career at RSM. 


Malin Bernhardsson has been a part of RSM för almost a decade and has witnessed both the company’s growth and her personal development. Here, Malin shares her thoughts on transitioning to a different business area within the company, emphasizing the importance of support for personal growth. She encourages potential candidates to seize the opportunity to grow and evolve at RSM, or as Malin puts it – Go for it!  


Almost 10 years at RSM – How does it feel?  

It feels good, and the time has flown by! It has been both exciting and inspiring to be a part of the company’s journey over the past ten years. At the same time, it’s rewarding to reflect on my own growth, from being a recent graduate to now being a senior employee.


What would you say to someone who is considering a career at RSM? 

Go for it! You’ll be welcomed by the best colleagues in the world and a fantastic sense of community, all while having immense opportunity to grow and develop.


What has been your favorite experience at RSM? 

Oh, that’s a tough one. Of course, I was very pleased an happy the day I passed my authorization exam, but aside from that, we’ve gone on several fantastic trips, with Amsterdam being a clear favorite for me. 


Who are you outside of work?

Outside of work, I love spending time with my family and friends. Enjoying good food is something I really appreciate, and I often like to end the evening with a fun stand-up comedy show. Occasionally, I also make time for a concert or two, as I have a real passion for music. As a new homeowner, it might be time to start experimenting with some gardening. 


Do you want to work with Malin? 

Se our open positions here!