Meet Gabriel – The auditor with passion and heart in everything he does


Today, we meet Gabriel Topuz from our Gothenburg office. Gabriel is a dedicated authorized auditor with a deep passion for his work, sports, and, above all, a devoted family man. With three years of experience at RSM and nearly a decade in the auditing industry, Gabriel has enriched our team with his expertise and commitment. 


What did you do before you came to RSM, and how did you end up here?  

Before joining RSM, I worked at one of the Big 4 firms for over six years. There, much like at RSM, I had the opportunity to handle a wide range of assignments, from large corporations to the smallest audit engagements. During my final years at my previous jobs, my work gradually shifted to focus primarily on very large companies. It was during this period that I realized where I truly wanted to direct my focus, towards owner-managed businesses. 

Under de sista åren på min tidigare arbetsplats övergick arbetet successivt till att huvudsakligen fokusera på mycket stora bolag. Det var under denna period jag klart och tydligt insåg vart jag ville rikta mitt fokus, nämligen mot ägarledda bolag. 


“RSM offers a unique combination of global presence and a familiar atmosphere, where the faller organization structure allows me to actively participate and truly make an impact.” 


The decision to switch to RSM was primarily based on the opportunity to pursue this direction. RSM offers a unique combination of global presence and a familiar atmosphere, where the faller organization structure allows me actively participate and truly make an impact. 


How would you describe your daily work at your department? 

We focus daily on supporting and guiding our clients, managing tax issues, and conducting high-quality analyses. In my role as an authorized auditor, I play a central role in supporting management in strategic decisions, optimizing clients’ outcomes, and promoting an efficient and collaborative work environment within the team. Our overarching goal is to work together with our clients to strive for success through thorough and reliable auditing and to serve as their trusted on financial matters.


How do you manage the balance between work and personal life? 

Managing the balance between work and personal life is crucial for me. I take pride in being a dedicated father to three young children and prioritize spending time with my family. Additionally, I make sure to set aside time in my schedule for my personal interests, particularly training through football or racket sports. This helps me stay focused and balanced both at work and in my personal life.


What would you say to someone considering a career at RSM?    

If you’re considering a career at RSM, I would say that the firm offers a unique combination of global opportunities and a supportive, inclusive culture.  

“Working closely with owner-led companies provides a meaningful and enriching experience. Additionally, RSM promotes a balanced lifestyle and offers opportunities for both personal and professional growth”.  


Who are you outside of work?  

- Outside of work, I love spending quality time with my children and my wife, as well as socializing with friends over a good meal. I’m a passionate football fan and also play a lot of racket sports. Additionally, I have a joy of coaching my son’s football team – a role that is not only rewarding but also incredibly fun!



Do you want to work with Gabriel?  

Se our open positions here!