Here the interesting article published on 10 Febraury 2020 by the newspaper “Il Corriere della Sera” about the Innovation Lab RSM.
Read the article:
Innovation Lab focuses on Bari. Here is the design-thinking «The new frontier passes through gamification»
Innovation also passes through gamification. Because game playing and the recreational aspect involve each individual at all levels, hence helping to improve one’s own performances and allowing to reach a rapid prototyping, to find effective and quick solutions to business needs and problems.
The Innovation Lab of the Bari office of RSM (audit and consulting firm) has been carrying out design-thinking projects for some year. The main belief is that, in order to achieve innovation, it is necessary to get involved - in every sense from the moment that one approaches a game - to feel co-creators and, therefore, an active part of any creative process.
“The innovative component we propose - says Fernando Tadicini, innovation scout and manager of the Bari office of “RSM Innovation Lab"- regards both solutions to problems and the process to solve them. The involvement of people is fundamental, without distinction of roles because the game is transversal, it disinhibits thanks to its playful approach and allows everyone to have their say, arriving at a common solution, built by everyone".
There are workshops with Lego bricks, "serious games" applied in the corporate field and even card games and training video games, the so-called g-learning. “These are new tools - continues Tadicini - which bring together various evolutionary disciplines with the new digital tools available today. Through these games and our methodologies —design-thinking, Lean, flip education, gamification and Why path - you can get to the solution of the problem with small investments and various steps, with an iterative approach. It’s possible to get to start-ups, or to reorganize activities, since you go to "play" also with the business model, the tools used to structure and restructure your company. In this case, g-learning is used to align all employees with the new company reorganization, in a short time, in a cooperative and collaborative way”