Raffaele Mazzeo

Raffaele is a Partner of RSM Società di Revisione e Organizzazione Contabile S.p.A. where he is Head of Banking and Financial Services and Head of Sustainability Services.
Graduated from the University of Palermo, at the beginning of his career he worked for KPMG as Partner Advisor and later became Senior Advisor.
Raffaele has gained over twenty years of experience as an expert in accountability, internal control systems and banking regulation, carrying out consultancy assignments.
- Partner-Head of Banking and Financial Services and Head of Sustainability Services at RSM S.p.A.
- Court Technical Office Consultant for bank-business litigation on derivative instruments, anatocism and usury
- Member of the extraordinary liquidation body of distressed municipalities
- Component of ODV 231 of the SIFI pharmaceutical company
- Area Manager of Sinloc s.p.a. (Padua), a company controlled by banking foundations for the development of Investment Banking and project Financing operations within the framework of public private partnership contracts
- Component of the GDL on Derivative Contracts established by Decree of the Councilor for the Economy of the Sicilian Region (established with DA n. 8/2019 on 26.04.2019)
- Expert in credit and public finance
- Consultant with banks, listed companies, institutions and services related to sustainable development
- Banking
- Pharmaceutical / Health
- Institutional