Pierpaolo Pagliarini

Pierpaolo Pagliarini joined RSM S.p.A. in 2021 as Partner.

After graduating in Economics and Business at the Università Cattolica del S. Cuore of Milan - Piacenza branch, he immediately started his career in 1998 in Bari, as auditor of an international reality, dealing with management control implementation projects; he then moved to Lecce, as auditor of another multinational reality, of which he was manager from 2008 to 2016, with a continuous presence in Rome.

Since 2000, Pierpaolo has been continuously involved in ESG assurance and consulting for major multinational groups, including listed ones, banks, public administration bodies and medium-sized enterprises.

Pierpaolo is a member of RSM International's CSRD Synergy Group, which defines consulting and auditing methodologies on a global scale.

Pierpaolo integrates his significant ESG experience with his experience as an auditor of financial statements, thus facilitating the transition of traditional accounting systems towards the sustainability requirements of CSRD, ESRS, EU Taxonomy, IR, GRI, SASB.

He has also gained significant experience abroad, thanks to assignments in the USA, UK, Spain, Russia, Turkey, Chile, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, mainly on the topic of sustainability.

A Chartered Accountant since 2003, Auditor and Registered Auditor of Local Authorities, Pierpaolo is a member of the Boards of Statutory Auditors and Supervisory Bodies pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01 of several companies and banks, also in the role of chairman.

Pierpaolo is also the author of publications and speeches on the topic of sustainability, as well as a lecturer at university and post-graduate master courses.

At RSM Pierpaolo is responsible for Audit & Assurance activities and ESG services and Models 231.


  • Partner of RSM S.p.A.
  • Member of the CSRD Synergy Group of RSM International
  • Chairman of Boards of Statutory Auditors and Supervisory Bodies pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01
  • Head of Audit & Assurance and ESG services and Models 231
  • Auditor in international companies and consultant in governance and control implementation projects


  • Auditing in international realities
  • Audit and Advisory of both listed multinationals and medium-large companies
  • 231 Organisational Models
  • ESG, CSRD, ESRS, EU Taxonomy, IR, GRI, SASB
  • Double Materiality Assessment, Value Chain Due Diligence
  • Sustainability Reporting, Social, Impact and Gender Reporting, Integrated Reporting
  • Life Cycle Assessment, EPD
  • Transition to IFRS
  • Financial & ESG Due Diligence
  • ESG Risk Management
  • Budgeting and Controlling Systems


  • Food industry
  • Chemical - Pharmaceutical
  • Construction and Real Estate
  • Digital and Technological
  • Energy - Oil & Gas - Water
  • Fashion
  • Financial
  • Manufacturing
  • Healthcare and Public Administration Travel, Media and Sport
