Before launching a business venture or making a strategic decision, corporate intelligence solutions enable informed and winning decisions. Our approach goes beyond OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) techniques and is integrated with field investigations.

Among our Intelligence services:

We delve deeper to uncover potential risks and often overlooked warning signs, offering a 360-degree approach that includes legal, financial, and media aspects to provide a comprehensive and detailed assessment of reputational risk.

We conduct thorough verification and monitoring of ESG and supply chain practices and risks to identify sustainability issues, ensure compliance with human rights and working conditions, and assess the legal compliance of an investment.

We provide a specialised investigative due diligence service tailored for M&A transactions, meticulously examining potential targets and uncovering hidden details accessible only through investigative techniques outside the data room.

We work alongside company boards and consultants to address hostile actions and develop the most robust defence, scrutinising potential vulnerabilities such as material omissions in publicly filed documents, undisclosed business associations, and governance deficiencies.

We meticulously analyse market trends and competitor strategies to support organisations in maintaining their competitive advantage.

We offer in-depth background insights on an individual or entity through verified information sourced from publicly accessible databases as well as field investigations.

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