Ichiro Yamamura
General Manager

Job title
General Manager

Before joining Shiodome Partners in 2019, Ichiro Yamamura had worked for KPMG Tax Corporation and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Tax Corporation. He has extensive experience and knowledge in international operations and provides consulting and outsourcing services related to accounting and taxation to many global Japanese companies and foreign companies. He mainly focuses on improving quality control within the company.

Services Provided

Industry Provided

  • Financial Services
  • Manufacturing
  • Real Estate
  • Consumer Products
  • Sports & Entertainment
  • Retail, Wholesale & Distribution
  • Information & Communications
  • Transport & Postal Activities
  • Life Sciences
  • Technology
  • Education
  • Hospitality & Services
  • Investment Management
  • Not-for-Profit Organization


  • U.S. Tax Attorney