Jeroen Vrancken

Jeroen has now been working as an accountant for 14 years, he made the move to RSM at the end of 2018. Prior to that, he worked at PriceWaterhouseCoopers. From his previous employer, Jeroen has extensive experience with housing cooperatives, financial services companies, but especially with group audits with an international character.
In addition, Jeroen is a lecturer at the postgraduate program for Register Accountant (MURA) - Maastricht University, where he teaches the subjects Audit & Assurance and IT Control & Audit.
His specialty is the fact that in addition to the large and more complex (international), he also serves clients from the larger SME segment. Jeroen does this with great enthusiasm; Quality, a deal is a deal and commitment are the key concepts, without losing sight of the pragmatic approach, with understanding for the client. Because of this background and the connection with accountancy education, Jeroen is very strong in coordination, communication of more complex audit assignments (international character) and makes valuable contributions within RSM in the technical field of methodology implementation.