Due to its favourable tax regime, modern infrastructure, strong economy and multi-lingual workforce, The Netherlands offers a lot of opportunities for (Northern)-Irish companies. However, for your company to benefit from these opportunities, a thorough knowledge of the Dutch laws and regulations, and fiscal possibilities, is essential.

The Ireland Desk in the Netherlands has already been supporting multiple (Northern)-Irish companies with their business activities in The Netherlands for several years. The majority of these companies are operating in the construction (data centers) and in the IT/software sector. Thanks to our close cooperation with RSM Ireland, the knowledge of the (Northern)-Irish culture and our knowledge in respect of the coherence/concurrence between the (Northern)-Irish and Dutch tax systems, we can provide you with specific advice on matters that often arise between the Netherlands and (Northern)-Ireland. As we have many clients active in the construction sector, we regularly advise on specific topics that are relevant in this sector, such as the tax consequences of seconding Irish workers to the Netherlands, chain liability with (sub)contractors, opening a bank and G-account, tax consequences of having a technical permanent establishment and transfer pricing.

Why choose for the Ireland Desk?

  • One point of contact for tax advice
  • We understand your culture
  • Knowledge of specific topics frequently encountered by Irish companies operating in the Netherlands
  • Knowledge of the coherence between Dutch and Irish legislation
  • Tailored advice
  • We listen and are personally committed to build and maintaining long lasting relationships
  • We have a quick and targeted approach and think in solutions 
  • We have a large international network

International aspirations?

Perhaps you do not only want to focus on the Dutch market, but also wish to explore the European or worldwide market. Then RSM is the best choice for your company. With our global network in over 120 countries, we can connect and act quickly with our international, professional partners. We can support you with all the questions about investment- and development opportunities that you may have.

Are you curious about what the RSM Ireland Desk can do for your company? Please contact: