In addition to the business aspects of a family business, the relationships with all family members are also important in order to run the company properly and in a well-considered manner. Different members of the family can play a role in the company or they may choose not to. But whatever they choose, the family business always plays a role.

Family governance is about making, recording and maintaining agreements regarding the relationships between family members and their relationship to the company. Important instruments for determining family governance are the family meeting that decides on the family strategy, which is laid down in a family charter. RSM can assist you and your family in mapping family governance, drawing up clear agreements, so that everyone in the family is aware of their rights and obligations.

The family strategy set out the role of the family in the company

It starts with your vision of the role of the family in your company. We go through this and together with you we translate it into a policy and strategy. RSM is an expert in clearly defining your vision and guaranteeing that by means of a family charter.

What does a family charter regulate?

The family charter states exactly how the interests, ownership, roles and control of various members of the family are regulated. Relevant issues include, for example, when family members may join the company, in what position, what the role of in-laws is, when ownership is transferred, how communication between the family and the company is organised, etc.

These are just examples and there are many other issues that can be regulated in the charter. RSM has been supporting family businesses for many years and we can therefore provide you with excellent advice on how to record all this properly and clearly, therefore. This prevents disagreements and everything is well organised for the entire family, now and in the future.

We facilitate a family meeting

To draw up a widely supported family strategy and family charter requires several family meetings. At these meetings, various family members can share their opinions in order to arrive at a shared vision and policy.

RSM can facilitate these meetings on your behalf, both in practical terms and by acting as an impartial chair. This gives everyone the opportunity to participate in the discussion, without the added roles and responsibilities. Obviously, we can also directly answer and, if necessary, advise you if there are questions about the legal and tax consequences of certain choices.

Would you like more information?

If you and your family business need support in managing the family within the company, we will be happy to assist you. Please contact us with your questions and wishes.

More information?

If you and your family business need support in managing the family within the company, we will be happy to assist you. Please contact us with your questions and wishes.