How we develop and communicate strategies, direction, and goals in the organization

In today’s business environment, it is crucial to continuously embrace and adapt to change while fostering and harnessing good ideas. An organization that fails to evolve and adapt to its surroundings quickly becomes irrelevant, no longer a first-choice – or even a second-choice – option for clients and employees. 

Being able to be proactive and drive change requires a flexible organization, entrepreneurial thinking, and drive form both leaders and staff. It necessitates that young talents are given the space and trust to express their ideas and opinions, as well as the freedom to implement those ideas. To achieve these goals, our philosophy is to maintain a flat organization with short decision-making paths, involving many individuals rather than a few, in both decision-making processes and execution. 

At the same time, the common objectives must be clear within the organization so that everyone moves towards a shared goal, understanding both the “How” and “Why”. To adhere to this philosophy, it is crucial to have clear leadership, explicit goals, and to distribute leadership roles among various individuals to implement changes more swiftly and make each person visible within the organization. 

To achieve this and promote innovative thinking, RSM has a strong focus on future leadership and continuously develops programs to create the next generation of leaders. Our initiatives involves balancing various exercises within three overarching goal areas: 

  • Leading oneself 
  • Leading others 
  • Leading clients

Leadership roles evolve and adapt as RSM develops.

An important trait for our leaders is the courage to make independent decisions based on their own judgment and to stand by those decisions. This can be challenging even for experienced leaders. At RSM, we believe it is essential to create an environment where our leaders feel confident. Courage is a key term in this context – the courage to sometimes make mistakes, and the courage to see value in less successful ideas. On an individual level, transparent and clear leadership is crucial for success. Besides setting goals, a central part of leadership is explaining both the “What” and the “How” and “Why”. When employees have a clear understanding of the “What, “How,” and “Why”, they are more likely to find their work meaningful. While we create our success together with shared goals and fundamental values, we welcome diverse solutions to achieve these goals. The combination of differences constitutes our strength – when we learn to understand and embrace these differences. Some individuals may need more time to make their ideas heard, while others spontaneously generate ideas and opinions. In an inclusive organization, everyone is given the opportunity to present their ideas, which requires strong leadership.