How we create our unique culture and what common traits makes us an excellent workplace.


A positive workplace culture leads to satisfied employees, higher commitment, and increased productivity and efficiency. The culture at RSM is characterized by consideration, commitment, joy and humility. When people feel engaged, they go the extra mile for clients, colleagues, and employers. For us, this means long-term relationships and continuity in staffing assignments, which in turn results in profitable business.

We have an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere. As consultants operating in a fast-paced industry with high demands, tight deadlines, and often multiple projects running simultaneously, we strive to help everyone manage their work-life balance by offering efficient tools and processes, wonderful offices, flexible working hours, and a philosophy of freedom with responsibility. There is transparency about the fact that, at times, the industry involves working overtime, and we have mitigated the risk of health issues with a thoughtful and tailored benefits and conditions. This is important for both maintaining and recruiting talent.

Employee focus and Health is a Cultural issue

Our employees are our most valued asset. Therefore, it is crucial for us as an organization to inspire and create tools and processes to ensure that all our employees have a work environment that is sustainable, both physically and mentally.

We prefer working toward measurable goals

Not only financially but also in terms of health. We have increased our focus on health through the “Sustainable Employees” project, which is a strategic initiative where we clearly integrate health into our corporate culture through various activities.

Physical and Mental Training

We consider providing opportunities for physical and mental training as essential. It creates ripple effects and leads to numerous benefits, such as increased well-being, fewer sick days, increased profitability, and, a more attractive workplace.

Celebrating both big and small

We celebrate milestone birthdays, weddings, and achievements like passing the authorization exam. This is done out of care for the individual and for the joy it brings to everyone to celebrate together. We recognize and nominate each other for “Employee of the Month” for important and significant contributions, ranging from being a valued colleague to specific work achievements.

Fun activities

We organize activities for employees such as ski trips, football tournaments with other RSM member countries, conferences, and more. These activities are arranged by us and provide much more than just the activity itself. Participants learn to project-manage, plan, execute, and follow up on both large and small projects. They gain experience in teamwork, networking, and enhancing their leadership skills.