Our Vision
We want to guide companies in their end-to-end climate control process by implementing digital tools, IoT systems and AI analyses, linked to a structured process, ensuring that these companies continue to evolve towards a sustainable organisation that remains competitive in all segments of the market.
Our Statement
Our commitment to the planet.
RSM Sustainability believes it can make the difference by keeping control over CO2 and believing that every sustainable step brings us closer to a carbon neutral environment.
We will continue to help organisations controlling their carbon footprint in respect with the wellness of their fellow human being.
Our Focus
We strive to uphold the well-being of your employees and colleagues. We do this by making your installations "smart now", and prepare them to further define your sustainable policy. As a result, we guarantee you a continuous evolution towards comfort-oriented and smart workplaces. At the same time and at least even important, we zoom in on your CO2e footprint to keep it under control. We investigate your supply chain to make your organization CO2e resilient. We make your carbon footprint tangible ensuring transparent communication, ready to share with all stakeholders.
Join us in making this difference.
We all have the pressing question, are people going to stay at home or go on site? The year 2021 is a transition year where homework has taken a prominent place. We see that the employee seeks a bond with its company to be able to feel the values and culture. The exchange moments that accompany this are important for the business community.
The processes, innovation and good working methods are shared, and the best ideas are created at the coffee machine. Our advice is to convert your office and workplace as much as possible into a second home.
Profitability challenge
Your company faces a major challenge. How can you do sustainable business, give your employees the necessary comfort, prepare the supporting installations to keep climate emissions under control, and guarantee a healthy and pleasant working environment, without having to compromise on profitability. All the way we will reflect with you to find the best possible solutions for you and your company.
Climate and objectives
The global climate objectives are currently being led by Europe, with the following targets
- By 2020, there must be a 20% share of renewable energies, a 20% reduction in greenhouse gases and a 20% reduction in energy consumption.
- By 2030, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced by 55% compared to 1990 levels.
- By 2050, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced by 80-95% compared with 1990.
- Renewable energies must account for 30% by 2050.
The GHG protocol stipulates a methodology for classifying emissions, which can be translated into objective emissions on a scientific basis. The trend is to adopt a "net zero" methodology in a 2050 scenario.
- We used to have a heatwave every 3 years, but now it happens every year.
- Five decades ago, the tanks were placed in September because the ground level was at its lowest. Today, the tanks are empty in June.
- In 2019, one million tonnes of ice melted per minute. The Greenland ice cap has shrunk by 532 million tonnes.
Our Sustainability partner, Erwin De Bock, appeared in the December edition of Le Vif/L'Express in "Fokus Energie & Environnement"
Our Services
Data and Analysis
Health and Wellbeing
Sustainability Strategy
Sustainability Reporting
Sustainability Goals
Discover more about Sustainability Services
Read our articles here
Our way of working
We start by listening to you and your employees to define your needs. Together, we look for improvement processes and translate them into uniquely defined parameters. We visualise your potential for continuous improvement using an expressive dashboard and together create a new awareness to which your employees and colleagues can respond.
It goes without saying that these concepts are linked. We work with you to define the objective you want to achieve. And we'll implement it, with us at the oars and you at the stern. So you keep your hand on the tiller, while you concentrate on your core business.
More than ever, it is important to offer employees a pleasant, healthy and comfortable workplace, with the right temperature, no noise pollution and healthy air to breathe. Numerous human resources companies have shown that the younger generation is looking to work in sustainable companies, where every colleague is respected in every possible way. As a result, you as a company will attract better-educated profiles.
It is our responsibility to pass on the Earth to our children in a better state than the one in which we received it. To guarantee this objective and encourage everyone to contribute fully to this cause, it is important to include climate objectives in DNA's corporate values. This is part of a shared ambition to make the world a better place.
The attention that you, as a company, pay to climate control will certainly be noticed and will enable you to attract other markets and other customers. What's more, shareholders and financial institutions have already pulled out the green card and are assessing sustainable companies more carefully. They will certainly appreciate your sustainable strategy and new opportunities will open up for you.
Correct measurements and information are needed to make the right decisions. It is also the basis for transparent communication with all stakeholders. AI translates this data into concrete action models. It gathers all the necessary information from within the organisation and produces the key values and key performance indicators to be monitored.
Your data needs to be extremely accurate to withstand all possible challenges.
Ignoring sustainable policy means going backwards, and the world is punishing this negative policy. Carbon footprint taxes will be a reality in the years to come. We need to be prepared to be resilient enough to turn this reality into an opportunity. The price of CO2e is rising faster and will change the way organisations manage the energy they use.
The needs of our employees are changing now that working from home has become compulsory due to the pandemic and they expect healthy environments. Regardless of this evolution, it's good to know that it also has a positive impact on work dynamics, motivation and absenteeism.
It's good practice to integrate sustainability into your overall risk management. As an organisation, you will benefit from this as you rationalise your global supply chain.
Suppliers and subcontractors account for a large proportion of a company's expenditure. Although the sustainable policy you implement in your company will be spread by your employees and colleagues, the loop will only be closed if your suppliers and subcontractors make the same effort. It is important to examine the entire chain of emissions and well-being and to involve your suppliers and subcontractors in your improvement plan.
Contact our Experts in Sustainability
We want to guide you towards your sustainable future. Our aim is to help you in your end-to-end approach and to unburden you as much as possible.

We go from technics over advising to implementing.
- We use and can install IoT metering to measure your carbon footprint.
- We collect this data in RSIMS
- We set up a carbon reduction baseline
- We propose in line with this baseline a reduction strategy
- We see how we can jointly implement it.
- We assist you for all the years you think is needed.
- We transform all this data into a non-financial report based on GRI and/or SDG methodology.
Or we walk along with you for the part you just need.
Sustainability news in a nutshell
Every month changes are pushed through in legislation regarding sustainability, new agreements are signed, companies need to comply with many standards and are obliged to give an insight in their non-financial reporting. But how and where do you start, let alone what do you have to take into account to comply the regulation?
At RSM Belgium, we experience a growing number of questions on different sustainability matters. We understand this is a challenging time for you. That is why our Sustainability team (Erwin De Bock, Deborah Fischer and Margo Osier) will guide you through some of the burning questions in a few videos, from ESRS, Stakeholder Management to Double Materiality.
You can find our video's on our YouTube page.
What is ESRS?
In this video our team will tell you a bit more about ESRS or European Sustainability Reporting Standards.
What is the SUP Directive?
In this video our team will tell you a bit more about the SUP Directive or Single Use Plastics Directive.
What is the CBAM?
In this video our team will tell you a bit more about the CBAM or the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism.