Empowering you to move forward with confidence

Om RSM Danmark 

RSM Danmark er et statsautoriseret revisionspartnerselskab med 200 medarbejdere fordelt på 13 kontorer landet over. Derudover er RSM Danmark medlem af det internationale netværk RSM Global som er verdens 6 største revionsnetværk. Som et integreret team, deler vi færdigheder, indsigt og ressourcer, samt en kundecentreret tilgang, der er baseret på en dyb forståelse af den enkelte virksomhed.

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Global news:

Looking to the next horizon

In his first RSM blog to the Network, E.J. addresses the exciting opportunities ahead, our continued commitment to the ambitious 2030 Global Strategy, and the strong foundations built under the guidance of our outgoing CEO, Jean Stephens.

Global highlights

RSM global revenue leaps 16% to record US$9.4bn

RSM, the leading provider of assurance, tax and consulting services to middle-market businesses, has today announced worldwide revenues of US$9.4 billion for the 12 months to December 2023, a year-on-year growth of 16%. 

Global insights

Sustainability starts with equitability and identity in supply chains

According to the World Bank, there are hundreds of millions of people who cannot gain access to a bank account. They have become labelled ‘the unbanked’. For some, this notion may be hard to imagine but it is the reality for many.