企业的首次公开募股不仅是筹集业务进一步发展所需资金的重要工具。在大多数情况下,整个过程也有助于提高公司品牌及其产品的知名度,从而成为市场领导者。日益增长的声望对有形的商业优势并非没有影响。RSM Poland团队向筹备IPO上市的公司提供咨询服务,特别专注于所需文件的财务方面。我们服务包括以下内容:

  • 财务报表审查(包括单独和综合财务报表)——根据波兰会计法、国际会计准则或国际财务报告准则编制的财务报表;
  • 根据国际会计准则或国际财务报告准则的要求重新编制财务报表;
  • 准备或验证预计决算表财务信息和财务预测;
  • 协助编制招股说明书的财务部分或验证招股说明书中采用的财务数据;
  • 根据国际会计准则或国际财务报告准则起草会计政策并协助实施该政策;
  • 根据国际会计准则或国际财务报告准则编制财务报表草案;
  • 为确定股票发行价格而进行的公司估值。



Name of the company to which we are to provide the service
If applicable, please provide the National Court Register number of the Polish company
We kindly inform you that your personal data included in the form shall be processed by RSM Poland Audyt Sp. z o.o. with its seat in Poznań (61-555), ul. Droga Dębińska 3B solely for the purposes of contacting you in connection with your inquiry. Submission of personal data is voluntary, however, it is essential to enable attending to your inquiry. You shall have the right of access to your personal data and the right to rectify any such data.