- 对公司文件进行分析,查找会影响公司财务和资产状况的重要信息;
- 对公司签订的关键合同进行财务风险分析及其在账簿中的正确确认;
- 对会计制度、内部控制和报告程序进行评估;
- 公司财务分析,包括财务报表不同项目的结构和动态分析以及指标分析;
- 现金流量表分析;
- 营运资本和净债务分析;
- 评估其他资产负债表项目;
- 收入和成本的多维分析,包括息税前利润和息税折旧及摊销前利润;
- 编写并提交一份综合报告,其中:
- 提供有关交易目标的可靠且完整的信息;
- 将作为理性商业决策的基础;
- 将允许最大限度地减少交易中涉及的潜在风险和威胁。
Due diligence may also be about law, taxes, technology, environment, HR, IT and others, but the usual scope covers finance, legal and fiscal matters.
Due diligence is a helpful analysis for the valuation of the company and an important argument in negotiations. The awareness of threats and risks, but also of the opportunities and potential of the company you are planning to buy (or sell), allows you to make the right decision, properly handle negotiations, start preparing to organisational changes early, protect yourself against various risks and make the most out of every opportunity that comes your way.
We offer comprehensive due diligence services, tax audit and structuring of enterprise acquisition and support in negotiations; we furnish legal documentation for the transaction and prepare companies for sale (we perform vendor due diligence). We advise on mergers, divisions, contributions in kind and sale of businesses. Check with us if the transaction you are considering is worth your time and money!