You are looking for an experienced expert who would perform an independent and in-depth due diligence and verify if data used to estimate the company’s value is true, reliable, if there are any material hidden or undeclared debts or liabilities.
You want to know if the transaction you are planning is safe from the legal, fiscal and financial perspective. You want to be sure that financial data show a true and fair view of the company, that they have been prepared in accordance with accounting rules and good practice, and that they do not distort the financial situation. You want to avoid the risk that the assets do not represent the actual value and the financial results have not been correctly calculated. You are looking for a transaction advisory professional who would assess if the company can generate recurring profits and positive cash flows. You simply want to be sure that you will make a rational decision.

See what we can do for you
See what the service of financial due diligence may include:
- Analysis of corporate documents to find information about important events that might have affected the company’s financial and asset situation;
- Analysis of significant contracts concluded by the company in terms of financial risks and their correct recognition in the books of account;
- Assessment of the accounting system, in-house control and reporting process;
- Financial analysis of the company, including the analysis of the structure and dynamics of different items of financial statements and indicator analysis;
- Analysis of the cash flow statement;
- Analysis of working capital and net debt;
- Evaluation of other balance sheet items;
- Multidimensional analysis of revenues and costs, including EBIT and EBITDA;
- Analysis of off-balance sheet and contingent liabilities;
- Preparing and handing a comprehensive report which:
- provides reliable and complete information about the transaction aim;
- will be the basis for a rational business decision;
- will allow to minimise potential risks and threats involved in the transaction.
Due diligence is more than just finances
Due diligence may also be about law, taxes, technology, environment, HR, IT and others, but the usual scope covers finance, legal and fiscal matters.
Due diligence is a helpful analysis for the valuation of the company and an important argument in negotiations. The awareness of threats and risks, but also of the opportunities and potential of the company you are planning to buy (or sell), allows you to make the right decision, properly handle negotiations, start preparing to organisational changes early, protect yourself against various risks and make the most out of every opportunity that comes your way.
We offer comprehensive due diligence services, tax audit and structuring of enterprise acquisition and support in negotiations; we furnish legal documentation for the transaction and prepare companies for sale (we perform vendor due diligence). We advise on mergers, divisions, contributions in kind and sale of businesses. Check with us if the transaction you are considering is worth your time and money!
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