Mistakes in classifying expenditures as tax costs, filing correcting invoices in the wrong settlement period, received free benefits that haven’t been taxed – every entrepreneur has to deal with such cases occasionally. Identifying the correct tax base and timely settlement of tax obligations in the required amounts are not easy tasks.
Within our Corporate tax compliance service we will look through your PIT calculations based on maintained registers and verify submitted tax statements. If you are looking to reduce time spent on these operations as much as possible send us your source documents and we will draft a tax settlement for you.
It is worth to combine the Corporate tax compliance service with a tax audit to provide you with a full picture of your company’s tax risks. We will not only verify calculations and tax statements, but also review source documents as well as the correctness and validity of classifying them as taxable income. Additionally, our tax advisors and business consultants are ready to identify and assist you in implementing solutions to facilitate minimising or, if possible, eliminating tax risks related to annual and monthly tax calculations (tax risk management).