Focus on your core business and let us check out how we can help you.


Entering a foreign market is a big step for any business. It can put you on a fast-track to growth, however, it might also be quite challenging to get started and achieve your goals. The potential rewards of operating on the Polish market are huge. However, to fully enjoy them, you might need the support of local, highly-specialised companies. The interdisciplinary assistance of our experts aims to ensure that our clients save time and reduce additional risk. From the setup and organisation of a branch or a subsidiary to tax consultancy, audit as well as accountancy and payroll outsourcing services, we will make sure that you are on the right path to fully realise your potential in Poland.

Contact us

Complete this form and an RSM representative will be in touch.

Name of the company to which we are to provide the service
If applicable, please provide the National Court Register number of the Polish company
We kindly inform you that your personal data included in the form shall be processed by RSM Poland Audyt Sp. z o.o. with its seat in Poznań (61-555), ul. Droga Dębińska 3B solely for the purposes of contacting you in connection with your inquiry. Submission of personal data is voluntary, however, it is essential to enable attending to your inquiry. You shall have the right of access to your personal data and the right to rectify any such data.