For each transaction we prepare an adequate strategy, building up its structure, providing proper advice and comprehensive assistance at the negotiation stage.

The decision to acquire another business is preceded both by internal negotiations (you wonder what to make of the new business, whom to put in charge, how it should be controlled, how the existing structures will change once the takeover is complete, etc.), and negotiations with the vendor (this is where the investor must have the legal aspect and company’s assets in mind and – among others – decide what they consider a fair price as well as when and how they can safeguard themselves against the risk of unethical or illegal actions from the selling party.

Factors that drive the effective (and advantageous to all parties) sealing of M&A deals are indeed numerous. In order not to miss out on anything or expose yourself to a financial loss or legal implications – it is advisable to break down the entire process, with the support of an experienced transaction advisor.

How professional mergers and acquisitions services streamline the takeover/selling process?

When acquiring a business, you begin with figuring out its role in your organisation, analysing the assets and looking into the structure of the company, assessing possible synergies, risks and potential. To put it simple, you focus on the business aspects because you know your company and its needs as well as the market in which you operate best. Mergers and acquisitions are, however, events that bring forth some far-reaching consequences that go well beyond the standard scope of any business activity. Which valuation method should be employed and what is the reasonable price for the target business? How to carry out negotiations? What are the financial and marketing consequences or potential advantages or risks the transaction process may entail? Providing answers to these questions (and more) is the daily round of the cross-border M&A services team at RSM Poland.

Our transaction advisors support investors willing to acquire or sell a business at each and every stage of the deal. Our experience gathered over many years while participating in a number of projects involving acquisitions, sales and mergers of businesses, both in Poland and abroad, guarantees seamless and safe M&A deals.


Transaction advisory services offered by RSM Poland to investors includes a full scope of professional assistance in M&A

  • We perform financial, tax and legal due diligence;
  • In cooperation with external professionals, we perform due diligence in IT, HR, environmental protection and technology;
  • We determine the value of target businesses and perform a full range of brand (or trademark) appraisals;
  • We optimise company acquisition deals tax-wise;
  • We assist investors in the negotiation process and effective sealing of the deal;
  • We draw up M&A legal documentation;
  • We perform vendor due diligence and prepare businesses for restructuring;
  • We operate in an international environment and offer comprehensive transaction advisory, even if the target business is based outside Poland. We cooperate with RSM firms operating in the relevant country, coordinate the work of M&A teams in various locations and remain your strategic partner and primary point of contact.

Meet our transaction advisory leaders

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