You want to manage your company finances effectively, you analyse a lot of information, and you need access to reliable and up-to-date data and broad expertise in accounting. You expect competent support in your company’s reporting tasks. You are looking for an experienced and reliable partner who would confirm that your reporting solutions are correct and answer your questions concerning your company’s finances. 

Consultation in the field of accounting and balance sheet law:

  • We diagnose the condition of the accounting system,
  • We prepare/update the accounting policy,
  • We design and update charts of accounts.

Other assurances (certification) and related services:

  • We review plans of mergers, divisions and transformations of companies,
  • We perform audit in line with agreed procedures,
  • We verify financial forecasts,
  • We provide financial data compilation services.

Implementation of new accounting standards:

  • We support IFRS implementations,
  • We support the implementation of new financial reporting standards,
  • We perform post-implementation checks of compliance with new financial reporting requirements.


  • We organise open accounting and financial reporting training,
  • We prepare targeted training to respond to individual needs of organisations and their employees.


Improve your business performance by adjusting the formula and structure of your operations to the changing business and legal environment. Rely on RSM Poland services in restructuring and transforming your company, thus maximising your business performance and making the most of the enterprise’s potential.

Key experts

Contact us 

Complete this form and an RSM representative will be in touch.

Name of the company to which we are to provide the service
If applicable, please provide the National Court Register number of the Polish company
We kindly inform you that your personal data included in the form shall be processed by RSM Poland Audyt Sp. z o.o. with its seat in Poznań (61-555), ul. Droga Dębińska 3B solely for the purposes of contacting you in connection with your inquiry. Submission of personal data is voluntary, however, it is essential to enable attending to your inquiry. You shall have the right of access to your personal data and the right to rectify any such data.