Head of IT Consulting at RSM Poland

With the beginning of 2017, RSM Poland, as one of the first companies in Poland, is launching a comprehensive IT service supporting the NetSuite system.

As you know, NetSuite is the leading American ERP software supplied by Oracle. Due to the unlimited availability of the software in every corner of the world, NetSuite is now the world's largest ERP system in the Saas model (Software as a Service).

The NetSuite system is an innovative, globally recognised solution based on cloud technology for company management that enables global supervision over all business processes within the framework of an international company.

One of the most important benefits that the NetSuite system brings to its users is its fully advanced cloud data access model. This software gives you access to all company information from a web browser, at the same time guaranteeing an above-average level of data security.

NetSuite stands out with an extensive analytical system that allows for viewing key performance indicators of the company on the basis of data from all branches, processed in real time. A versatile reporting system and an extensive managerial panel enable rapid decision-making regarding key business processes.

Another advantage of NetSuite is that it allows companies to conduct extensive e-commerce operations. The advanced sales system involving full automation of order processing is a powerful solution in the provision of services to retail consumers.

According to this year's study "Retail Without Limits", 70% of consumers say that only investment of retail chains in modern technologies such as NetSuite guarantee high quality of shopping online. More than 59% of respondents reported a need for quick and easy access to product information in e-commerce. For comparison, in 2015 this figure fluctuated in the range of 24%. Full transparency of information and support for key performance indicators (KPI) are essential tools on the way to guarantee the full satisfaction of customers with shopping online.

RSM specialists, being long-standing partners of Oracle around the world, know exactly which elements of NetSuite are the key to success and guarantee full use of the software to optimise processes of a modern enterprise. Services related to the optimisation and deployment of the NetSuite system in Poland provided by RSM Poland will include configuration of the program (pre-implementation), customer training (consultations and implementation of preparatory projects) and work related to system support (post-implementation services).

Global companies from key economic sectors, such as finance, IT and construction, recognised NetSuite as a digital platform that finally meets the specialised needs of managers in terms of planning and managing companies. Thanks to the expertise of engineers and economists of RSM Poland, effective use of NetSuite is now also available for companies operating in Poland, which guarantees meeting the IT expectations of global companies and compliance with local legal requirements.