The National e-Invoice System (KSeF) is the central invoice database; Polish ICT system whose main task is to centralize the invoice registration process. Importantly, KSeF is also used to issue and receive invoices electronically. Such an e-invoice, in the context of the regulations regarding KSeF, is a structured invoice that has been in force in Poland since the introduction of the KSeF system.

In the near future, the system that introduces e-invoicing in Poland will also allow tax authorities to view transaction data on an ongoing basis – at the time of issuing an invoice. And this means less room for errors and a greater number of quick tax and treasury inspections… So what should accountants and entrepreneurs who want to avoid problems remember? And how should a structured correction invoice be issued? Here are the answers to the questions most frequently asked to our tax advisors.


On 26 April 2024, the Polish Ministry of Finance postponed the effective date for mandatory invoicing in the National e-Invoicing System (KSeF) to 2026. From 1 February 2026, KSeF and e-invoicing in Poland are going to be obligatory for entities whose value of turnover in the previous year exceeded the amount of PLN 200 million, and from 1 April 2026 – for all entrepreneurs.

Obligatory KSeF – since when are we obliged to use KSeF and issue invoices in this system in Poland?

E-invoicing in Poland is only a matter of time. The obligation to issue invoices using the National e-Invoice System will occur with the entry into force of the provisions in force from 1 July 2024*. Mandatory integration with the system will apply to taxpayers based in Poland and obliged to issue VAT invoices to Polish and foreign entrepreneurs.

Taxpayers whose sales are exempt from tax (or perform exempt activities) will obligatorily join the KSeF system a little later – on 1 January 2025.

What is particularly important when adapting the processes currently in force in the organization and preparing the enterprise for changes under which sending an invoice to KSeF will become mandatory, now – in the period between 1 January 2022 and 30 June 2024 – all entities can voluntarily use the KSeF system.

* Currently the date of entry into force of the regulations has been postponed.

What facilities or benefits can KSeF users count on?

The mandatory e-invoicing in Poland and the introduction of KSeF will bring several benefits, which will be both financial (reducing the waiting time for refund of VAT overpayment from 60 to 40 days) and organizational (faster document circulation, no risk of document loss/destruction, exemption from the obligation to store and archive invoices up to 10 years).

How to implement the KSeF system in your enterprise and prepare for issuing e-invoices in Poland?

In order for all structured invoices to be issued correctly, companies doing business in Poland should adapt their internal procedures related to document circulation and the invoicing process.

First of all, it is important to determine the method of delivering invoices issued in the KSeF system if the recipient of these structured invoices is a foreign contractor.

Another area requiring action is the analysis of the compliance of the accounting systems used with the KSeF requirements and their possible adaptation.

Additionally, employees who are currently involved in the invoicing process should also be trained. All people who come into contact with data, customers and contractors – not only those who have the ability to issue invoices – should be familiarized with the new Polish regulations and learn about the consequences of failure to comply with them.

Which entities face the mandatory KSeF?

The obligation to issue invoices in KSeF will apply to VAT payers with their registered office or permanent place of business in Poland.
Foreign entities that are at risk of establishing a permanent place of business, but at the same time have arguments in favor of its absence, should consider submitting an application for an individual interpretation in this respect.

Which entities will not be obliged to use KSeF?

The obligation to issue invoices in KSeF will not apply to invoices issued by:

  • taxpayers who have neither their registered office nor a permanent place of business in Poland*;
  • taxpayers who do not have their registered office in Poland or who have a permanent place of business in Poland, but this permanent place of business does not participate in the supply of goods or the provision of services*;
  • taxpayers who use the OSS and IOSS special procedures;
  • taxpayers who issue invoices only to natural persons who do not run a business.

*Such taxpayers will still be able to issue invoices in the KSeF system voluntarily.

Is an entity that does not have a permanent place of business for VAT purposes in Poland obliged to issue invoices in the KSeF system?

Issuing e-invoices in Poland will not be obligatory for entities that do not have a permanent place of business in Poland (within the meaning of VAT regulations).

Is an entity that does not have a permanent place of business in Poland, but performs taxable activities in Poland, obliged to collect purchase invoices in the KSeF system?

An entity that does not have a permanent place of business in Poland is not obliged to collect purchase invoices in the KSeF system. In the case of a transaction, it informs its Polish contractors about this fact and indicates how to deliver the invoice.

In the Polish KSeF system, it is possible to download invoices without the need to log in – in anonymous access mode. The seller using this option should then inform his contractor about the invoice number, the invoice system number and the invoiced gross amount.

Ultimately, anonymous login is to be replaced by placing structured QR codes on invoices.

How to register and log in to the KSeF system?

In the case of legal entities, it is necessary for the taxpayer to authenticate in the system. Authentication may be performed using an electronic qualified seal or by submitting a ZAW-FA notification.

Electronic structured invoices – what is it?

Electronic structured invoices are – in simple terms – invoices issued using the National e-Invoice System.

This is a type of e-invoice that contains information specified in the regulations, has a specific form and is saved in a specific electronic format (XML). This format must meet the conditions necessary to properly read and process the data contained in the document. From 1 July 2024*, an e-invoice in Poland must include the KSeF number – simply the document identification number assigned by the system.

* Currently the date of entry into force of the regulations has been postponed.

How to issue a structured invoice?

E-invoicing in Poland is pretty straightforward. In order to issue a structured invoice in the accounting system, it is necessary to perform the following steps:

  • first, as usual, the taxpayer prepares an invoice – or invoices – in the company's accounting system;
  • then the person authorized to log in and authorized by the system logs in to KSeF;
  • the next step is to send an e-invoice or a package of e-invoices via API to the KSeF system;
  • now the KSeF system will automatically verify the entity and the compliance of the invoice with the template;
    • after positive verification the KSeF system will assign a number identifying the structured invoice – the so-called KSeF invoice number – and the invoice will be able to be downloaded from the system by the contractor
    • in the event of negative verification the invoice will be rejected (this may happen when the document is inconsistent with the invoice template or when the system is unavailable).

The KSeF system also allows you to skip the first of the steps mentioned here and issue a structured invoice directly there, so taxpayers do not have to use the accounting system.

How to send an invoice to the KSeF system?

Issuing e-invoices and sending them to KSeF requires adapting the accounting program in such a way that it is possible to redirect and send documents directly to this central invoice database.

An alternative way to send an invoice to KSeF is to use free tools provided by the Polish Ministry of Finance. Taxpayers can therefore use the e-Mikrofirma program or directly log in to the KSeF system and use it to prepare and send an invoice.

Who will be able to send invoices to the KSeF system on behalf of the company?

E-invoicing in Poland (by sending invoices to KSeF) is assigned to the person (or persons) who are authorized to perform such activities on behalf of the company. The person representing the company is therefore obliged to grant appropriate authorizations to the accountants or staff responsible for the invoicing process. The taxpayer has two alternative ways of reporting a representative:

  • on the basis of a notification (submitted to the competent Head of the Tax Office) of granting authorizations, on the ZAW-FA form;
  • using interface software available on the website of the Polish Ministry of Finance.

Is the seller obliged to mark the printout (or electronic image) of a structured invoice with a code enabling access to it?

From July 2024*, a printout (or electronic image) of a structured invoice provided by the taxpayer to the buyer will have to contain a QR code with the data of the structured invoice, allowing it to be found in the system.

* Currently the date of entry into force of the regulations has been postponed.

Is the recipient's consent to receiving structured invoices in KSeF required?

From July 2024*, the recipient's consent to receiving structured invoices via KSeF will not be required – except for cases where the seller issues invoices to entities not obliged to use the KSeF system.

However, until the end of June 2024, the buyer has the right not to consent to receiving e-invoices in the KSeF system. In this case, such an invoice should be generated and delivered to the buyer in another way agreed with him.

* Currently the date of entry into force of the regulations has been postponed.

When is an invoice considered issued in the KSeF system?

The key factor is not the date of creation of the invoice in the accounting system, but the moment of its appearance in the electronic database. This means that the invoice is considered issued in KSeF only on the day it is sent.

Information about the date of transmission – and therefore the date of issue – will be visible in the Official Confirmation of Receipt (UPO), and the date of invoice issuance itself will also be an element of the invoice number assigned by KSeF.

Do I have to send an invoice issued in the KSeF system to its recipient?

From July 2024*, if an invoice is issued in KSeF, the issuer will not be obliged to send the invoice outside the system.

If a structured invoice is issued to a buyer who is not obliged to use the KSeF system, the taxpayer must obtain consent from the contractor to receive the invoice using the National e-Invoice System. If the contractor does not agree to receive the invoice in the system, the issuer will be obliged to deliver the invoice in another way agreed with him.

* Currently the date of entry into force of the regulations has been postponed.

What to do in the event of a failure or technical interruption of KSeF?

In the event of a failure or technical break, which will be announced on the website of the Public Information Bulletin (BIP) and communicated through the interface software, the taxpayer will issue invoices in accordance with the template.

Within 7 business days from the end of the KSeF failure the taxpayer will be obliged to send these invoices to the system. Such invoices will be marked in a specific way to indicate that they were issued during the period of failure.

RSM comprehensively supports taxpayers in the field of VAT Compliance and advises entrepreneurs implementing e-invoices in Poland

We know perfectly well that the implementation of the National e-Invoice System is a big challenge for many companies and organizations, which is why we offer our clients the help of tax advisors, accountants and ERP system specialists. Our services include, among others:

  • we audit VAT Compliance processes;
  • we offer full accounting outsourcing and accounting supervision;
  • and we configure and optimize the Oracle accounting system in terms of the company's information expectations and compliance with Polish regulations.

If you want to avoid problems with tax administration authorities, write to our expert and find out how we can help your company.

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