What is Tax Litigation?
RSM Poland’s Tax Litigation Team are experts in Polish tax law. Our advisors, who have great knowledge of the tax procedures, represent taxpayers in communication with revenue officials, guaranteeing safe relations between our clients and tax authorities.
As professional agents, we represent our clients in contact with tax authorities in any tax affairs, i.e.:
- verification activities,
- tax audits,
- customs and fiscal controls,
- tax proceedings,
- appeals before second instance tax authorities,
- proceedings before voivodeship administrative courts and the Supreme Administrative Court.
We can also represent parties in proceedings of specific character, i.e. in cases involving determining the liability of third parties (including management board members) for tax obligations of taxpayers (e.g. companies).
We have considerable experience in cooperation with clients from various industries and we understand that the everyday economic reality is often different from that perceived by tax authorities. To avoid disorganisation of your operations by repeated inquiries of tax authorities, it is advisable to take advantage of the services provided by tax law experts who will make sure that the time of the settlement of tax affairs is not unnecessarily extended and that no obstacles to the ordinary course of business are created because of this.
How can RSM Poland’s tax advisors support your company during tax audits and proceedings?
We represent taxpayers in all verifications of the correctness of their tax filings, regardless of the type of tax and the location of the tax office.
In recent years, we have noticed that tax authorities have expressed higher interest in checking taxpayers' settlement of tax affairs – i.e. an increase in the number of review of tax returns: verification activities as well as tax audits and customs and fiscal controls. Our experienced tax law experts make sure that RSM clients suffer no harm during these proceedings and assume the responsibility for communication with tax officials, so that taxpayers experience minimal effects of the verifications.
We pay great attention to procedural issues. Our primary goal is to make certain that the activities of tax authorities are carried out in compliance with and exclusively within the limits of tax law as well as to guarantee that the rights of our clients as verified taxpayers are observed. We consider the safety of our clients and their businesses as number one priority, and we are not afraid to take an assertive stance against any activities of tax authorities which are in breach of the law.