Risk is a combination of the likelihood of a given event occurring and the implications of such an event on the business that have either a positive or a negative effect on meeting assumed objectives.

Risk management is a tool by which corporate risk can be handled. Effective risk management may play a significant role in mitigating the risk of failing to meet business goals. However, understanding and properly managing risk requires the organisation to adopt suitable policies and strategy. 

Marcin Kawka, Audit Partner

For a risk management strategy to be successful, the entire organisation must share a common risk management philosophy - with staff members from every department and of every function undergoing full training on how to respond in case of threat.

We advise our clients how to effectively mitigate risk and how to make decisions that increase the chances of a business undertaking's success. We support our clients in strategic, financial, operational and technological risk management in order to maximise their company's value. We advise how to implement a systematic, continuous process aimed at identifying and assessing risk - a process that will pin-point possible actions as well as possible opportunities and threats that may have an impact on the business reaching its assumed goals. We help our clients in understanding the threats that lie ahead of their organisation as well as identifying risks and being prepared for them - such as risks related to human resources, a technological item, or internal systems.

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