Die Experten von RSM Poland werden feststellen, ob Ihr Unternehmen einen Teil seiner Ausgaben von der Bemessungsgrundlage abziehen kann, und die meisten formellen Verpflichtungen für Sie erfüllen.

Piotr Wyrwa

Müde von hohen Belastungen?  Es besteht eine gute Chance, dass Sie sie senken können. Die Unternehmer, die in Polen tätig sind, sind sich oft dessen nicht bewusst, dass sie weder große Investitionen tätigen noch Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaktivitäten (F+E) durchführen müssen, um von Vorzugssteuersätzen profitieren zu können.

Wenn Sie sich also um die Entwicklung Ihres Unternehmens kümmern, verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, seine finanzielle Belastung zu reduzieren, und prüfen Sie unbedingt, ob Sie das volle Potenzial der Steuerentlastungen nutzen. Kontaktieren Sie die Berater von RSM Poland und profitieren Sie von unserer Erfahrung bei der Identifizierung von Aktivitäten, die förderfähig sind, und dadurch beschleunigen Sie und vereinfachen die Erstattung der Ihnen entstandenen Aufwendungen.

Piotr Wyrwa
Tax Manager

IP Box tax relief has been in place since early 2019, offering an option to tax part of the income at a preferential rate of 5%, more attractive than standard rates provided for in the CIT and PIT Act.


Therefore, it is a way to significantly reduce the amount of income tax you pay, and the money saved on tax can be used for any purpose whatsoever.

The R&D tax relief is an opportunity to get additional funding by way of deducting certain research and development expenses (eligible expenditure) from the tax base.


These expenses reduce your income as being “regular” tax-deductible costs, and on top of that, they reduce the tax base used for calculating due CIT or PIT.

The relief for expansion (in other words the pro-growth relief) is a mechanism which allows the taxpayer to deduct from the tax base expenses incurred to increase sales.

Increasing sales is to be carried out by searching for new markets for one’s products, achieving revenues from the sale of products not yet offered, or increasing revenues from the sale of products already offered by the taxpayer. As in the case of the relief for R&D activities, these expenses are deducted twice: first as tax deductible costs, and then, for the second time, as part of the relief.

Relief for innovation is a preference allowing taxpayers to deduct from the tax base the expenditure associated with developing a new product.


The relief will apply to the taxpayers who developed a new product as part of their research and development operations (R&D) and are planning its commercialization.

The relief for robotization is a tax incentive aimed at encouraging entrepreneurs to acquire industrial robots.


Eligible taxpayers benefit from the relief by obtaining the right to reduce the tax base in CIT by the eligible costs incurred on robotization. What is important, the condition for taking advantage of the relief is not conducting R&D activity, or independently developing and creating robots or participating in a special competition procedure.

Key expert

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